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Posts: 12
Posted 11:35 Feb 04, 2018 |

In section 1 problem 7 of the first assignment, the following was one of the statements:

(0+1)*0(0+1)*1(0+1) = (0+1)*01(0+1)*

By taking 0101 as an example it fails on the left (the second to last character in strings accepted on the left is always 1) but succeeds on the right. Shouldn't this mean the two languages recognized are not equal?

Posts: 21
Posted 11:47 Feb 04, 2018 |

Agreed, I don't know how second regex is equal. left regex must end with 10 or 11 Whereas right can end with 00. Example 0100 will be accepted by right Regex not Left. Hmmmmmm

Posts: 225
Posted 13:40 Feb 04, 2018 |

There is a mistake in this problem as well.

There are other counter examples such as 01 being generated by the right hand side but not by the left hand side.

Only the first and third are equivalent.

1 point to everyone.