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Posts: 1649
Posted 12:39 Jan 14, 2018 |

We will be using NetLogo as the course modeling platform. See the course page for links. If you want to get familiar with it before the start of the semester, you can download it from the NetLogo webpage and try it on your computer. You can also run a somewhat less full-featured web version. The web link opens the system on a famous segregation model. See the model description at the bottom of the page.

- If you want to play with it, try setting %-similar-wanted to 25% and to 26% and see what a difference 1% makes. Can you figure out why that happens?

- As written a "neighbor" is defined as any of the 8 squares adjacent to a given square.  Try other definitions of neighbor and see what happens. For example, if instead of turtles-on neighbors you wrote turtles in-radius 4, the default 30% similar wanted will be satisfied for almost all agents ("turtles") on initial setup. So a run makes hardly any changes. But, change the %-similar-wanted to 35% and a few more unhappy turtles will appear on setup. They will have an outsized effect, generally causing large blocks of squares to become red or green.

Last edited by rabbott at 13:38 Jan 14, 2018.