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Posts: 1649
Posted 19:17 Oct 22, 2017 |

The upcoming week will be the 10th week of 15. We are not running out of time, but I suggest that you get done with Project 3 as soon as possible and move on to Project 4.

Project 4 is the longest of the projects. It is not difficult, but it has more code than any of the others. It consists of 5 files. Each is a module. (The 6th file is a copy of one of the others and is used for one of the assignment.)

Project 4 makes use of data and instance declarations, which none of the earlier projects use. In other words, there are a number of new ideas to work through. So leave yourself time for it.

Project 4 is due Dec 4, at which point it is worth B+. The value declines quickly after that. Make enough time to finish this project as well as whatever work you have to do for other classes.

I'm sure you enjoyed having only 4 projects for the semester. That makes the workload fairly light. On the other hand, each project counts 25%. So you can't ignore any of them.

Posts: 1649
Posted 13:42 Oct 24, 2017 |

So far this has been a very quiet review week. Raji, Presanth, and I have had periods when no one wanted a review. This is a great time to catch up and get started on Project 4. If too many people wait until the last minute, there will be long lines of people waiting to be reviewed. As you recall, no one liked that.  So I recommend that you take advantage of the lull.

Since the semester began on a Thursday (they do that to make up for the Thanksgiving holiday) after today we will be 2/3 of the way through the semester.  You still have time. But don't let it slip by. The final month tends to go by very quickly. There is the Thanksgiving holiday (Wed - Sun) as well as all the projects and other work you have to complete for other classes. After Thanksgiving, there is one more week of the semester. But it feels like an isolated week since it comes between the Thanksgiving break and finals. So it too seems to slip by.  As I said, take advantage of the current availability of reviewers to get your work finished.