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Posts: 3
Posted 10:54 May 02, 2017 |
  1. Do shared files include folders or just uploaded files?
  2. Should the user get to edit and delete the shared files?
Posts: 16
Posted 11:05 May 02, 2017 |

1. Well the question says that the application should contain a special folder "shared folder" which will contain shared files. Hence my understanding is that it's just files.

2.There is no explicit requirement provided about the functionalities that the shared files should possess.  I would assume that it would have all the functionalities similar to other ordinary files (edit and delete). 

Posts: 2935
Posted 11:21 May 02, 2017 |

1. Just files, not folders. Sharing folder is a more complicated case because sharing a folder means sharing its descendants, which makes security check quite a bit more difficult because whenever a user tries to access a file, you'll need to check not only if the file is shared with the user, but also if any of the ancestor folder of the file is shared with the user. There are other potential issues like what if a user shares a folder then share a subfolder inside the shared folder.

2. Usually there should be at least two types of sharing: read-only and read/write. To make things easier we'll assume sharing is read-only, meaning a user can view/download a shared file but cannot edit/delete/replace it.

Posts: 3
Posted 13:11 May 02, 2017 |

I see. Thank you for the clarification.