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Posts: 3
Posted 20:47 Mar 08, 2017 |

Since we have several midterms next week (week 8), we really need to delay CS5470 midterm to (week 9) if that possible. We want to have more time to study hard to achieve a good grade in this class. Thanks.

Posts: 4
Posted 20:50 Mar 08, 2017 |

We have midterm in week 9 on sunday So not possible for many students

Posts: 4
Posted 20:59 Mar 08, 2017 |
salem-m wrote:

Since we have several midterms next week (week 8), we really need to delay CS5470 midterm to (week 9) if that possible. We want to have more time to study hard to achieve a good grade in this class. Thanks.

I think it would be really helpful to us if we can shift our midterm to week9 as well

Posts: 18
Posted 21:07 Mar 08, 2017 |

Yes please , i have 2 midterms in Thursday i will finish at 9 pm so it is impossible to study :( 


Posts: 1
Posted 21:33 Mar 08, 2017 |
daloufi wrote:

Yes please , i have 2 midterms in Thursday i will finish at 9 pm so it is impossible to study :( 


I agree, we all have midterms on week 8 for several courses, it really helps if we reschedule to week 9.