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Posts: 519
Posted 21:29 Mar 05, 2017 |

Grades are final unless there is a grader error. I don't give students chances to fix bugs after the due date, as this would mean grading everyone who didn't get all the points and wants a chance to fix his or her code. I don't want to put my grader through this, and I don't want to spend my own spare time on this. I don't grade for this class, the TA does, so I don't accept code via email for grading after the due date, nor spend time during my office hours grading fixed code. Please do not mail me code for grade consideration. 

FYI, one bad assignment will not kill your grade if you are doing well otherwise, as there are many assignments, and there have been and will be extra credit opportunities. Please double check your code before submitting it. 

Last edited by msargent at 21:32 Mar 05, 2017.