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Posts: 3
Posted 14:41 Mar 02, 2017 |

I don't believe I entirely understand the directions on the homework in regards to folder properties whenever a new one is created. Should we be able to go into whatever new folder is created? For example, if I create a folder named "Projects," what should I be directed to if I click to see what's inside? The furthest I have gotten in my file creation servlet is having the servlet create a new folder as it should, but since there's nothing in it, I get a 404.

Posts: 6
Posted 16:29 Mar 02, 2017 |

As soon as you create a folder, your file system should open the parent folder in which it should list the new folder which you have created.

For e.g.: in your case parent folder is My files and new Folder is Projects, so Projects folder should be listed in My files.

Now when you click on Projects link, it should open that folder, now the parent Folder is Projects, in which you can create other folders.

Posts: 3
Posted 19:55 Mar 02, 2017 |

Okay, so when I do make this folder, am I supposed to be able to click it and get a sort of blank page alongside some options to create new folders since it's just an entirely new folder?

Posts: 6
Posted 20:47 Mar 02, 2017 |
