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Posts: 25
Posted 20:34 Mar 01, 2017 |


I see the characterCount function takes an array as argument:

const characterCount = (files) => {
    const splitOn = '';
    loopFiles(files, splitOn, (err, result) => {

But when the app calls this function, it takes flags.word/flags.character as argument: = (flags) => {
    if (flags.word)

    if (flags.character)

Could someone tell me why 'flags.character' is treated as an array? Thanks in advance! 

Posts: 46
Posted 21:02 Mar 01, 2017 |


 In cli.js those arguments are defined as arrays:

    .options('c', {

        alias: 'character',

        describe: 'displays character count',

        array: true


    .options('w', {

        alias: 'word',

        describe: 'displays word count',

        array: true


 This is because you can supply two or more files to be counted.

Posts: 25
Posted 21:10 Mar 01, 2017 |

thanks, btw could you tell me what is the 'flags'? is it an array of arguments? and why  can we use  it like this: 'flags.word' ?

as noted in homework, if we want to get the difficulty, why can't we use like this: 'flags.difficult.easy' ? Thanks for the answer again!


Posts: 46
Posted 21:28 Mar 01, 2017 |
wevanw wrote:

thanks, btw could you tell me what is the 'flags'? is it an array of arguments? and why  can we use  it like this: 'flags.word' ?

flags is an object containing the arguments in key value pairs. You can see this by adding the line console.line(flags) in the cli.js file right before

as noted in homework, if we want to get the difficulty, why can't we use like this: 'flags.difficult.easy' ? Thanks for the answer again!


"flags.difficulty.easy" is looking for a key called easy in the value with the key "difficulty". "flags.difficulty" will give you the argument you passed along with "node cli.js -d <arg>". I think if you add "console.line(flags)" it becomes more apparent as to why that doesnt work

EDIT: I misspoke about "difficulty" not being accessible. Ive changed my response. 

Last edited by hippiewho at 01:17 Mar 02, 2017.