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Posts: 2935
Posted 10:17 Mar 01, 2017 |

In Lab 9 some students experienced file permission errors when uploading files to the project WEB-INF/files folder on CS3. The reason is that when you create a new folder on CS3, the folder belongs to you, but when you upload a file through your servlet on CS3, the servlet is run by the Tomcat server account, and by default Tomcat cannot write to your folder. The solution was to change the permissions of the folder so that anyone can write to it, but obviously there's some security risk in that.

Because the WEB-INF/files folder is not only needed for Lab 9, but also for future homework assignments (starting from Homework 2), I have created the folder for every account with the proper permissions. Please use this folder for future labs and homework, and let me know if you encounter permission problems again.