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Posts: 5
Posted 12:05 Feb 20, 2017 |

Can anyone help me out with the equation of when a person goes pass the minimum amount of hours depending on what package they choose? (i.e. Additional $2 per hour) 



Posts: 2
Posted 12:33 Feb 20, 2017 |

You just workout it out as a math problem. For each package there is a set hour for the base price. The base price for 10 hours for package 1 is 15.95. Anything above 10 hours is consider extra an you need to pay the $2 per 1 hour fee. Anything under 10 is the base price and anything above 10 is just the base price plus what the fee you need to pay. Just figure out how to get total hours passed over 10 ( if they did ) then multiply it times the over charge fee then add it to the base fee.