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Posts: 7
Posted 12:55 Feb 05, 2017 |

Can someone help me with homework 2, I'm not exactly sure how to approach #1... 



Posts: 38
Posted 12:59 Feb 05, 2017 |

Assign the conversion rate to some variables and have it multiplied by the number typed in System.out 

Posts: 36
Posted 13:01 Feb 05, 2017 |

Lets say we have a currency called Emeralds (emd) and say the exchange rate is 1 USD = 25 EMD, so 2 USD = 50 EMD, 3USD = 75 EMD so on so forth. 

Posts: 7
Posted 13:13 Feb 05, 2017 |

yeah I understand that part but like how exactly do I start, and what exactly is this asking for

"Your code must declare each conversion factor as a named constant.  Ask the user for an amount in dollars and show the resulting rates for each of the three currencies."? is it like asking that I need to declare each conversion with a "final" and if my program works I should be able to type in any dollar amount in the console and it'll convert it to that amount but in yens, euros, pounds?

Any idea?

Last edited by Alex895i at 13:14 Feb 05, 2017.
Posts: 38
Posted 13:45 Feb 05, 2017 |

exactly that you have the right idea