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Posts: 48
Posted 20:58 Dec 08, 2016 |

"Goes through the linked list and replaces every number greater than 0 divisible by 3 with 100 and every number greater than 0 divisible by 10 with 1000 (replace it with 1000 if divisible by both 3 and 10)"


to my understanding:

if number divisible by 3 replace with 100
if number divisible by 3 and 10 replace with 1000

is that correct? or is it the following?

if number divisible by 3 replace with 100
if number divisible by 10 replace with 1000
if number divisible by 3 AND 10 replace with 1000


Posts: 519
Posted 21:08 Dec 08, 2016 |

The second one.

Posts: 48
Posted 21:12 Dec 08, 2016 |
msargent wrote:

The second one.
