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Posts: 16
Posted 20:41 Nov 21, 2016 |

Okay I get that StreetMap class is only meant for the data of the map and the MazeGUIPane is only meant for the code for the gui but how do we use the data from the map class in another class? I'm assuming we are gonna need the data from the map when we are programming the Fool so we know if he is going to hit a wall or not. Or maybe I'm going about this lab wrong?

Last edited by dgonz at 20:43 Nov 21, 2016.
Posts: 2
Posted 20:52 Nov 21, 2016 |

StreetMap someName = new StreetMap(); 

you create that in the GUI class and you will be able to get the data from that class. 

ex. getting the location of the fool from the coordinate class through the map class if created there 



Hope this helps.