//###################### Mesh #######################
class Mesh {
int numVerts; // number of vertices in the mesh
Point3* pt; // array of 3D vertices
int numNormals; // number of normal vectors for the mesh
Vector3 *norm; // array of normals
int numFaces; // number of faces in the mesh
Face* face; // array of face data
// ... others to be added later
Mesh(); // constructor
~Mesh(); // destructor
int readmesh(char * fileName); // to read in a filed mesh
int Mesh::readmesh(char * fileName)
fstream infile;
infile.open(fileName, ios::in);
if (infile.fail()) return -1; // error - can’t open file
if (infile.eof()) return -1; // error - empty file
infile >> numVerts >> numNormals >> numFaces;
pt = new Point3[numVerts];
norm = new Vector3[numNormals];
face = new Face[numFaces];
//check that enough memory was found:
if (!pt || !norm || !face)return -1; // out of memory
for (int p = 0; p < numVerts; p++) // read the vertices
infile >> pt[p].x >> pt[p].y >> pt[p].z;
for (int n = 0; n < numNormals; n++) // read the normals
infile >> norm[n].x >> norm[n].y >> norm[n].z;
for (int f = 0; f < numFaces; f++)// read the faces
infile >> face[f].nVerts;
face[f].vert = new VertexID[face[f].nVerts];
for (int i = 0; i < face[f].nVerts; i++)
infile >> face[f].vert[i].vertIndex
>> face[f].vert[i].normIndex;
return 0; // success