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Posts: 33
Posted 17:25 Oct 11, 2016 |

Is there any way to get the answer key for the multiple choice?

I need 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19

Posts: 47
Posted 20:32 Oct 11, 2016 |

Hello! Here are the ones I got wrong: 4, 8, 13, 14, 17

But here are the ones I know:

12.)  this.myString refers to the instance variable myString

 the myString shown after the assignment operator refers to the variable myString that is declared in the parameter list of the method

18.)  Both Tsunami and Tornado extend the abstract class Disasters

19.)  Both types of engine implement the interface Engine

Posts: 33
Posted 20:45 Oct 11, 2016 |

awesome thank yous

Posts: 19
Posted 05:34 Oct 12, 2016 |

14. Abstract classes can declare instance variables  

 Abstract classes can contain concrete methods

Posts: 33
Posted 14:46 Oct 12, 2016 |

4) i'm thinking is: 

 String[] theStrings = string1.split(","); 
 String myString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter some text");


8) i'm thinking is:

 A reference to a String


13) thinking:

 Every object is an instance of a class

 It is possible to determine from the code for a class what it's superclass is

 It is possible to determine from the code for a class whether it implements a Java interface


17) thinking:

 The variable of type GeometricShape2D can only be used to run methods that are available in that class, even if the actual object belongs to a a subclass