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Posts: 19
Posted 22:57 Oct 03, 2016 |

Include a method that can be called from main that will use your methods to add and delete some hard-coded test data (several students, several faculty members, and several courses.) This will let you code the lists and test the methods to add and delete items without using the user input functions.


Can someone pls explain this part to me.

Posts: 207
Posted 10:15 Oct 04, 2016 |

You will have noticed by now that testing this application is a pain because you have to enter a lot of data each time you change some code and want to try it out.  I suggest you

write a method that creates some Students, FacultyMembers, and Courses and adds them to the lists, deletes them, etc. for testing purposes.

Posts: 19
Posted 15:51 Oct 04, 2016 |

Are we only allowed to use one text file, whenever i try to use a second one the program crashes. 


I get this error code: Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException

Posts: 207
Posted 16:22 Oct 04, 2016 |

Make sure the format you write is the same as the format you read in