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Posts: 134
Posted 22:49 Sep 11, 2016 |

Hi Dr.Abbott

First of all,I appreciate the amount of time you are spending with each student for code review but lot of students turn back to home without getting their code reviewed. its really disappointing to come all the way from home and go back for nothing. it would be great if you give your free timings so we can fix an appointment with you and get our code reviewed .

Posts: 1649
Posted 22:56 Sep 11, 2016 |

That's a good point. I wish I had a perfect solution. One part of the answer is having students who have already been reviewed review other students. Another part is for students who are not prepared not to ask for reviews. That wastes my time and the time of students who are prepared. Please keep that in mind when you ask for a review. Tomorrow I'll be available during and after class until 5:15, when I have a senior design team meeting. I don't want to institute a sign-up -- at least not yet. I want to give priority to earlier projects rather than to earlier sign-ups.  We'll see if that should change as the term progresses.

Another possibility is to require that everyone first review their code with another student before seeing me or some other final reviewer. The preliminary reviewer need not have completed the project yet themselves. That will give everyone more of a sense about whether you are ready for a more final review. There is no mechanism for that on the review sheet. Should I add it?

Last edited by rabbott at 08:54 Sep 12, 2016.