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Posts: 47
Posted 18:16 Sep 06, 2016 |

When creating the array list, does the user use the same array list until the program is quit or do they create a new one every time they fail/and chose a new mode (hard/easy)?

Posts: 2
Posted 18:32 Sep 06, 2016 |

The same array list. So if you entered  John & Kelly at the start then the program should keep using those 2 until the user quits the program,

Posts: 33
Posted 18:33 Sep 06, 2016 |

I believe it uses the same list so long as you get it correct, till you get it wrong and it sends you back to the beginning where you overwrite the original list.

Do you want us to print the return value from the easy and hard methods? (the number they got correct)

Posts: 2
Posted 18:36 Sep 06, 2016 |

Whats the pt of keeping track of how many they got correct if youre not gonna let them know?

Posts: 33
Posted 18:38 Sep 06, 2016 |

cause the instructions dont say anything about printing the return value, just that the method returns an int.

Posts: 47
Posted 18:54 Sep 06, 2016 |

Exactly what I thought, Kang. Sam, I think it's a different array list every time because in the instructions it says to create the Array list in the loop. If the array list is in the loop, a new one will be created every time.

Edit: Also, what do you do with the "days", since the lab required the method returns an int?

Last edited by epascua at 20:21 Sep 06, 2016.
Posts: 207
Posted 07:22 Sep 07, 2016 |

call the input method inside the loop

you don't have to show the number of times the user got the problem right, since I forgot to say so in the instructions.