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Posts: 26
Posted 03:18 Sep 04, 2016 |

If the user exceeds the number of tries, show a popup saying that they failed
If they win, go to the next board

what does it mean in Lab 2 with the part of the user winning go to the next board.  Does this mean reseting the board? 

Posts: 236
Posted 12:05 Sep 04, 2016 |
ykim85 wrote:

If the user exceeds the number of tries, show a popup saying that they failed
If they win, go to the next board

what does it mean in Lab 2 with the part of the user winning go to the next board.  Does this mean reseting the board? 



Hello, sorry to go off-topic, but you are asking about Lab 2. 


Did we have a Lab 1 that was due on a certain date, and time?

I am in section 3220 1 & 2, and my professor is Cervantes.

Please excuse my question if we have a different instructor.


Please excuse my post. I did not know your instructor was not Cervantes.


Thank you.

Last edited by JackStrauss at 13:39 Sep 04, 2016.