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Posts: 121
Posted 16:02 Jun 08, 2016 |

Dr. Sargent,

My program currently deletes all of the review records in the DB before fetching a new data and storing them in a DB.
Should I alter the code so that the fetcher will only store the data that is newly encountered (from the DB's perspective)?

Please let me know if you can. Thank you, 

Posts: 519
Posted 16:07 Jun 08, 2016 |

We are only using the DB to store the latest weather records, as a way of caching them. So I would delete old records before adding new ones. You could go the extra step, but since we are only storing a dozen or so records with each update, I don't think there will be any performance impact. 

Last edited by msargent at 16:08 Jun 08, 2016.
Posts: 121
Posted 16:25 Jun 08, 2016 |
msargent wrote:

We are only using the DB to store the latest weather records, as a way of caching them. So I would delete old records before adding new ones. You could go the extra step, but since we are only storing a dozen or so records with each update, I don't think there will be any performance impact. 

I see. Thank you for your reply!