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Posts: 14
Posted 12:19 Jun 08, 2016 |

Hello Cal State team,

I want to share that I am hosting a startup weekend(Techstars) and I would like to invite you to join us at Startup Weekend Orange County in approx. 2 weeks. I am organizing the event in collaboration with the UCI Applied Innovation center. We have some incredible speakers, judges, and mentors lined up, as well as some amazing volunteers, including our very own Rebecka Goncharov.  One of the judges is none other than famed shoe designer and entrepreneur Taryn Rose of Taryn Rose Shoes.

If you love innovation and want to practice it holistically, Startup Weekend can be a transformative experience, opening not only your mind but also your heart to innovate. 

Last but not the least, there is a 50% discount for students, So, hope to see some of you there and feel free to post any query here.

