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Posts: 80
Posted 17:25 Jun 04, 2016 |

Subject line.

Posts: 87
Posted 18:15 Jun 04, 2016 |

Implement a MovieContract class to hold column and table names for your movie data. It should have an inner class called "review."

Create an implementation of SQLiteOpenHelper.

Override onCreate in the above class to create a table of movie reviews. The table should be named 'reviews' and have these columns: _id, display_title, summary_short, and publish_date. 

Override onUpgrade in the above class to drop the reviews and call onCreate().

20pts Subclass AndroidTestCase in your test (which is the Android Test folder) folder. Using a database from your SQLiteOpenHelper class, insert a row of data into your database. Then query the row and check if the values in the query match the values in the ContentValues object used to insert the data. Use an 'assert' statement to test if the query and insert matches. 

This assignment is all-or-nothing. If your unit tests do not run, or fail, you get no credit. If they pass, and you did the insertion/query, you get full credit. 

At the end of your test, delete all the rows in your table, or drop the table. (-3 pts if you don't).

Zip your project and submit here. 

Posts: 28
Posted 18:52 Jun 04, 2016 |
vsluong4 wrote:

Implement a MovieContract class to hold column and table names for your movie data. It should have an inner class called "review."

Create an implementation of SQLiteOpenHelper.

Override onCreate in the above class to create a table of movie reviews. The table should be named 'reviews' and have these columns: _id, display_title, summary_short, and publish_date. 

Override onUpgrade in the above class to drop the reviews and call onCreate().

20pts Subclass AndroidTestCase in your test (which is the Android Test folder) folder. Using a database from your SQLiteOpenHelper class, insert a row of data into your database. Then query the row and check if the values in the query match the values in the ContentValues object used to insert the data. Use an 'assert' statement to test if the query and insert matches. 

This assignment is all-or-nothing. If your unit tests do not run, or fail, you get no credit. If they pass, and you did the insertion/query, you get full credit. 

At the end of your test, delete all the rows in your table, or drop the table. (-3 pts if you don't).

Zip your project and submit here. 


Posts: 16
Posted 20:30 Jun 04, 2016 |

You could've just responded with the last part. No need to be mean about it

Posts: 34
Posted 21:37 Jun 04, 2016 |

At least he will never make that mistake again.