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Posts: 11
Posted 19:17 May 22, 2016 |


Hello Professor, 

I have a question regarding HomeWork2. 

"Use an 'assert' statement to test if the query and insert matches" so is that mean we just need one assert statement just to check whether the fetch query result and inserted values matches?

or  do we have to include many assert statements to check whether the database is created or not , the values are inserted to the tables or not and so on.....?

Posts: 519
Posted 20:10 May 22, 2016 |

You only need that one for the HW, but you might want to put others for your own testing (i.e., check if the query's cursor's moveToFirst returns true, or if the long coming back from the insert isn't -1). 

Last edited by msargent at 20:11 May 22, 2016.