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Posts: 121
Posted 15:53 May 18, 2016 |

If I understand it correctly, unless I make some changes that impact Gradle build, an Android unit test ran immediately after performing a Clean Project will not yield different result from the one that's ran before Clean. Am I wrong (I have the feeling I am very wrong.)?

In other words, does the following represent a possible sequence of events?
1. Make some changes to the file A (assuming the change has nothing to do with build configuration)
2. Run a unit test. The result is a fail
3. Clean project
4. Run a unit test. The result is a success

Last edited by se1k1h1mawar1 at 15:53 May 18, 2016.
Posts: 519
Posted 09:00 May 19, 2016 |

Did you see what the the cause of the fail was in your logcat?