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Posts: 18
Posted 16:49 Feb 12, 2016 |

Hello Professor

I have doubt for below point. 

Run gradient_descent. Calculate the cost function values on the normalized data before and after, print these values.

So do we need to find cost on our original file data and on normalize data??


Posts: 519
Posted 17:28 Feb 12, 2016 |

No, find the cost before the thetas are trained (set them to zero to start) and after. 

FYI, in American English, "doubt" should, in this context, be replaced by "question." As written it expresses, well, doubt (and that makes me sad and anxious frownsurprise). 

Last edited by msargent at 17:41 Feb 12, 2016.
Posts: 156
Posted 10:27 Feb 13, 2016 |

Some online dictionaries list doubt as a synonym (, but I get your point Mark lol.