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Posts: 17
Posted 22:35 Jan 28, 2016 |

Look at the pictures first.

I'm trying to make this table out of html code and the table with color is the table I'm supposed to make. The 2nd table without color is what I have so far, I tried using rowspan="2" for either on Xpath or XSL Transformations but they don't extend to the middle of the three bars on the left of them. Not sure how I should finish this assignment and then upload it...

Posts: 64
Posted 22:41 Jan 28, 2016 |

I am having the same problem. I tried like 1.5 and nothing either. Not sure how to do this haha but two heads are better then 1. Text me 213-908-9992

Posts: 64
Posted 22:42 Jan 28, 2016 |

I was thinking of adding another row 4 and maybe playing around with that so then it can be 2 and 2 rowspan 


Posts: 11
Posted 23:26 Jan 28, 2016 |

Did it work? I tried it on mine, it didn't seem to work.

Posts: 64
Posted 23:33 Jan 28, 2016 |

Nop i just tried it. 

Well i found a helpful website check this out it kind of answers it.

Posts: 64
Posted 23:34 Jan 28, 2016 |

check this out kind of answers that question.

Posts: 64
Posted 23:41 Jan 28, 2016 |

Tell me if you end up getting the right answer to this.

Posts: 11
Posted 23:49 Jan 28, 2016 |

I still have problems. Here's my code if u want to look over it.

Posts: 64
Posted 23:52 Jan 28, 2016 |

I think something went wrong for urs because 5:00 pm and XSL was moved

Posts: 64
Posted 23:53 Jan 28, 2016 |

Heres Mine Check it out. It might be no difference but just have the same problem LOl

Posts: 64
Posted 23:57 Jan 28, 2016 |

Honestly, i am not sure how that coding worked it was hard for me to understand i tried to do the same thing as the website, but it didnt help. I say submitted before time.

Posts: 11
Posted 00:01 Jan 29, 2016 |

submitted it. tables is hard to understand honestly. I still don't get the use of it yet

Posts: 64
Posted 00:03 Jan 29, 2016 |

Yeah, dont worry your not alone same here. Eventually we will get used to it.

Posts: 3
Posted 11:23 Jan 29, 2016 |

I know its too late but I think you were supposed to have Tuesday have rowspan 6, the times rowspan 2 and XPath/XSL Tansformations rowspan 3. Sorry, I didn't see this until today.