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Posts: 46
Posted 22:37 Jan 22, 2016 | we have to create a trunk folder in the repository or just the project named folder and src folder in that. we have to create a TAGS named folder? or just the cs520-hw2 named tag?
Posts: 2935
Posted 09:05 Jan 23, 2016 |

You have to create trunk and tags folder in the repository.

Posts: 10
Posted 09:22 Jan 23, 2016 |
ajoshi6 wrote: we have to create a trunk folder in the repository or just the project named folder and src folder in that. we have to create a TAGS named folder? or just the cs520-hw2 named tag?

1: Yes, you need to create a 'trunk' folder in the repository having all your src files. Since it was mentioned in the class that everytime 'trunk' folder gets check out , and 'tags' should have all previous version for backup.

2: For this I followed Professor's Repository Structure . We need to create a 'tag' folder under project and inside that create a cs520-hw2 folder (this would be consider your 1st version of hw2) later when you modify your trunk you can create another version and put it in tag before modification (though we don't need it for this homework I guess) .

NOTE: You can refer the directory structure for Professor's Repository. i.e, svn://