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Posts: 2
Posted 19:14 Dec 17, 2015 |

Is taking CS122 before CS120 difficult to do? Is this recommended?

Last edited by Habibi at 19:24 Dec 17, 2015.
Posts: 45
Posted 13:18 Dec 18, 2015 |

CS 122 is totally unrelated to CS 120. Both are roughly equivalent in difficulty. Therefore, take whichever you want first.

Last edited by darkserith at 13:19 Dec 18, 2015.
Posts: 236
Posted 23:51 Jan 15, 2016 |

CS120 is probably the easiest course in the major.


CS122 increases in difficulty a little bit, but it comes down to what type of teacher you like, or what type of teacher you prefer.



Posts: 1
Posted 21:09 Feb 15, 2016 |

I have taken CS120 and I am currently taking CS122.  They are equally difficult for level 100 courses.  However, I found CS120 to be more paractical in everyday life as it teaches you how to design a web page to your own specifications.  It is a great course with which to start your Computer Science college curriculum.

Last edited by rwells at 21:11 Feb 15, 2016.
Posts: 49
Posted 15:07 Feb 20, 2016 |

If you think 120 and 122 are hard wait till you get to 320 lol I hated 122 because I had a horrible teacher

Posts: 236
Posted 16:10 Feb 20, 2016 |
jbattini wrote:

If you think 120 and 122 are hard wait till you get to 320 lol I hated 122 because I had a horrible teacher

Hmmm...some friendly careful how you present your opinions on the teachers on CSNS because CSNS can be understood to be the social network of the entire Computer Science department.

Virtually all CS faculty have CSNS usernames.

With that said, CS320 is probably the hardest course in the entire CS undergraduate curriculum, but don't let that ever discourage you. There are many resources available to help you, and it is not impossible to learn programming to prepare you for CS320 level programming.


Last edited by JackStrauss at 17:22 Feb 20, 2016.
Posts: 49
Posted 17:02 Feb 20, 2016 |

I didn't drop any names, most of the faculty is great. I'm just sharing my experience with that particular class. 320 really is the toughest class in the curriculum but it's also the most entertaining because you get to apply everything you learned in the previous Java classes and make some really cool applications.