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Posts: 1649
Posted 23:57 Dec 03, 2015 |

As you can probably tell, I don't like rush work done at the last minute. It's a bad habit to work that way; the results are usually not very good; and you generally forget whatever you learned while doing it. I am likely to look fairly carefully at work certified at the last minute. 

In addition, as I said earlier, anyone who certifies work that is not worthy of certification will themselves suffer a penalty -- probably half a lab of their own for each wrongly certified lab. (Some of you may want to reconsider some of the labs you certified and remove the certifications.)

As a consequence it is likely that many people will not be able to get as many labs certified between now and Sunday as they would like. I will not make allowances for that -- because waiting until the last minute is a bad idea, and I don't want to encourage it -- but I will give an Incomplete to anyone who wants it.

The condition for making up the Incomplete will be to do the labs one a week during the Winter term. A lab not completed on the week it is due will lose credit. If you want an Incomplete under those terms, send me an email saying so. I like talking about elegant code -- and how to make code more elegant. If you do too, you may enjoy the opportunity to do so.

Alternatively, you can take the grade you get. The grading schedule gives a D to someone who turns in no labs. So no one will fail the course. (Instructors do not look forward to seeing someone in class a second time who failed the first time.) But you may get a grade you don't like.

Last edited by rabbott at 00:26 Dec 04, 2015.