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Posts: 56
Posted 01:48 Nov 25, 2015 |

Hi Dr. Kang,

From the template you posted on CSNS, what is the difference between deliverables and accomplishments? For some people are they the same thing?

If anyone else knows, I'd appreciate a response also.


Posts: 95
Posted 09:02 Nov 25, 2015 |
cthanh wrote:

Hi Dr. Kang,

From the template you posted on CSNS, what is the difference between deliverables and accomplishments? For some people are they the same thing?

If anyone else knows, I'd appreciate a response also.


Deliverables: Description of the final product (e.g modules) to be delivered including the final report

Accomplishments: Description about what you have done so far and how you did to deliver the final product