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Posts: 1649
Posted 20:32 Nov 17, 2015 |

Here's how I plan to grade the 332F portion of this class. (For those enrolled in CS 332F this will be the total grade. For those enrolled in CS 454 it will be 2/3 of the grade.)

Labs certified Grade
9 A
8 A-
7 B+
6 B
5 B-
4 C+
3 C
2 C-
1 D+
0 D


In addition, if you have very good scores on the quizzes, they will count in your favor. Otherwise the quizzes won't count.


Last edited by rabbott at 20:41 Nov 17, 2015.
Posts: 134
Posted 20:57 Nov 17, 2015 |

If we have gotten a Ok or Ok- for labs 1~3, is it possible to have it regraded into getting Ok+  so we can have it counted as certified?
Right now I would be stuck at a B at the end of the quarter if I can't have labs 1~3 regraded.

Also are you ever going to post our quiz scores or is it still going to be private and how exactly will the quizzes work if it becomes in our favor?

I truly appreciate this fair grading you have posted.

Posts: 134
Posted 21:01 Nov 17, 2015 |

nuff said

Posts: 1649
Posted 21:02 Nov 17, 2015 |

A presentation-only version of this class will be offered in the Spring. If you want an Incomplete now, you can complete it by taking the course in the Spring. It will consists of giving one presentation of the same sort that the 454 students are giving now.

Posts: 1649
Posted 21:06 Nov 17, 2015 |

The Spring course will be available for anyone who has not yet completed any of the CS 332 sequence. That is, if you are missing 332C, 332F, or 332L, you can complete any one of them by taking the Spring course. 

Posts: 134
Posted 21:08 Nov 17, 2015 |
rabbott wrote:

The Spring course will be available for anyone who has not yet completed any of the CS 332 sequence. That is, if you are missing 332C, 332F, or 332L, you can complete any one of them by taking the Spring course. 

Is the presentation similar to of  the CS 454 where we present a new CS language to you?

Posts: 134
Posted 21:25 Nov 17, 2015 |


Last edited by Anon at 21:29 Nov 17, 2015.
Posts: 1649
Posted 21:44 Nov 17, 2015 |

The presentations in the Spring course will be like the presentations this quarter. You present a new programming paradigm, which is not necessarily the same thing as a new language.

Posts: 134
Posted 22:30 Nov 17, 2015 |

Lab 9 = due on Dec 6, 2015. Lab 9 assigned during the 10th week I assume.

So, how would we even get that certified? We don't have a lab anymore after the 10th week. Lab times seem to be the only time to get anything certified. So lab 9 is a no go unless..

Can any of our labs be certified by you or Jon online (through css, like how professors generally grade labs for other classes), or do we literally have to see you face to face to get it certified? 

Face-to-face time i believe only happens during lab times, and also, because of the presentations, there's now literally only one person to certify labs in class (Jon).  This makes it fairly difficult to a large amount of labs certified, unless you know someone who IS certified (i.e. you can attach a face to a student whose name in the lab assignment sheet indicates they've been certified for that lab and are therefore valid certifiers).  

So would the certifying process be now based on, "who you know", not "what you know"?  Would it also be based on luck and timing, i.e. for a given lab session, Jon picks you out of the 10-15 other people in a queue waiting to get their labs looked at by one person, Jon? I personally believe that there are lots of "white boxes" as opposed to "green boxes" in the lab assignment sheet, not because people haven't done the labs (for example, i am sure a lot of people have finished lab 1 and 3) but rather, it is difficult to find someone to certify it. You literally have to ask the people who have been certified (the very select FEW, esp. for lab 4 5 6)...and its hard to want to bother them when they're probably working on the current week's lab. 

Not to mention, there's only two lab sessions left for the Tuesday/Thursday section..this week, and the 10th week (since 9th week is Thanksgiving on thursday).

Last edited by Anon at 22:30 Nov 17, 2015.
Posts: 134
Posted 22:38 Nov 17, 2015 |

I did labs 1-3 and were checked by you (Dr. Abbott) and you approved of them. I got grades on csns for them from you. I got "Ok" for each of the labs. Can I count these as certified? You asked me to explain the labs thoroughly and you took your time, and I believe it warrants a certification for each of those labs.

Also I am afraid that we will not have enough time to have every single lab certified (there is not enough certifiers/time). 

Posts: 134
Posted 22:56 Nov 17, 2015 |

agreed, fair

Last edited by Anon at 23:14 Nov 17, 2015.
Posts: 1649
Posted 23:41 Nov 17, 2015 |

Lab 9 will be assigned next week, during week 9.

Posts: 1649
Posted 23:43 Nov 17, 2015 |

It's ok to use the final period to get certified. Let me know by midnight Dec 5 when you want to come in. See previous post for final times.

Last edited by rabbott at 23:52 Nov 17, 2015.
Posts: 134
Posted 10:46 Nov 19, 2015 |
rabbott wrote:

It's ok to use the final period to get certified. Let me know by midnight Dec 5 when you want to come in. See previous post for final times.

How many labs would we would be able to certified during the final time period? I'd like to know, since I only have 1 lab certified at the moment. I'll try my best to get more certified. (i've actually finished labs 1,2,3,4,5,7, but only 2 is certified...through the OK+ system). In the event that I am unlucky, i.e. Jon is too busy helping other people or certifying someone else, I hope that me coming with like 5 labs during the Final Period isn't too much (worse case scenario of course).

If you or Jon has office hours, that would be nice to know as well. Maybe that would offer another window of opportunity for Certifications?

Posts: 1649
Posted 10:57 Nov 19, 2015 |

My office hours are MW 10:40 - 11:40 and TTH 3:00 - 4:00 -- although I'm already scheduled to see someone today.

I'm willing to stay longer past the official final periods to see people who want to be certified. We'll have to see how much demand there is.

Remember also, that if you have 3 labs from lab 4 on certified, labs 1-3 are counted as certified automatically.

Last edited by rabbott at 10:59 Nov 19, 2015.
Posts: 87
Posted 10:30 Nov 21, 2015 |

Hey prof.  In a typical CS class, we would submit our code onto CSNS to get it graded.  If we submit the code but don't get it certified (maybe we didn't finish until right before the deadline and didn't have time to certify), will that be taken into consideration?  Or will our grade be determined solely (except for 454 students) by our ability to get certifications?


Thank you.

Posts: 1649
Posted 10:33 Nov 21, 2015 |

Grades will be based primarily on the number of certified labs. As I said, I'm willing to meet with people during finals week to certify labs or to discuss partially completed work. Simply submitting a lab to CSNS will not count for much. For a lab to count the author must demonstrate understanding by explaining it in person.

Posts: 9
Posted 11:36 Nov 22, 2015 |

I am enrolled in 454. Presentation grade I received the full 1/3. 

If I get 3 labs certified, that will give me a C = 75% of 2/3 = 49.95% 

So 33.3% + 49.95% = 83.28%  will be roughly be my final grade? 

Last edited by khuynh10 at 11:37 Nov 22, 2015.
Posts: 1649
Posted 15:47 Nov 22, 2015 |

Here's how I expect to combine the grades from the 454 presentation and the labs. 

  • Convert the grades to numbers: D = 0, D+ = 1, C- = 2, C = 3, C+ = 4, B- = 5, B = 6, B+ = 7, A- = 8, A = 9.
  • Take the weighted average (1/3, 2/3) of the two grades/numbers.
  • Round the result.
  • Convert back into a grade. 

If the lab score is C (= 3) and the presentation score is A (= 9), the weighted average is 2/3 * 3 + 1/3 * 9 = 2 + 3 = 5 = B-.

For the course grade there may be other considerations such as very good quiz scores or community participation in the form of frequent contributions to the forum (not anonymous, of course; if your post name doesn't identify you in an obvious way you will have to let me know who you are) and willingness to act as reviewer and (especially) certifier. These will be particularly relevant when the weighted average is not an integer.


Posts: 9
Posted 19:15 Nov 22, 2015 |

Thanks for the breakdown! 

Posts: 45
Posted 19:08 Nov 23, 2015 |
rabbott wrote:

Here's how I expect to combine the grades from the 454 presentation and the labs. 

  • Convert the grades to numbers: D = 0, D+ = 1, C- = 2, C = 3, C+ = 4, B- = 5, B = 6, B+ = 7, A- = 8, A = 9.
  • Take the weighted average (1/3, 2/3) of the two grades/numbers.
  • Round the result.
  • Convert back into a grade. 

If the lab score is C (= 3) and the presentation score is A (= 9), the weighted average is 2/3 * 3 + 1/3 * 9 = 2 + 3 = 5 = B-.

For the course grade there may be other considerations such as very good quiz scores or community participation in the form of frequent contributions to the forum (not anonymous, of course; if your post name doesn't identify you in an obvious way you will have to let me know who you are) and willingness to act as reviewer and (especially) certifier. These will be particularly relevant when the weighted average is not an integer.


"These will be particularly relevant when the weighted average is not an integer."

Can I interpret this to mean you will decide whether or not to round a decimal up or down? For example, I got an A on the Presentation like the previous poster, and so far I believe I'll have 7 labs certified (labs 6 is giving me a hard time so I'm not sure if i'll be able to complete it (and thus maybe not lab 9 either).

So, assume I rest on my laurels and get the following grade:  (1/3)(9) + (2/3)(7) = 7.667.

My weighted average will be 7.667 then...would this automatically be rounded up to 8, and therefore a grade of A- would be assigned? Or would this round up only occur when other attributes are in my favor,  like willingness to review/certify, community participation, quiz scores.. ect. ..


Posts: 1649
Posted 21:00 Nov 23, 2015 |

It's not appropriate for me to talk about any person's grade in a public forum. If you want to come to my office we can talk about it.

Posts: 35
Posted 13:40 Nov 29, 2015 |

If you are available for certifying labs during Finals week, does that mean the due date is extended?

Posts: 1649
Posted 13:50 Nov 29, 2015 |

The due date is not extended.

Last edited by rabbott at 13:50 Nov 29, 2015.
Posts: 35
Posted 13:57 Nov 29, 2015 |

So you are not willing to meet with us during finals week as stated above? This upcoming week is the last week?

Last edited by MariahM at 13:59 Nov 29, 2015.
Posts: 1649
Posted 15:10 Nov 29, 2015 |
I am willing to meet with you during finals week. We will look at code submitted to CSNS by the deadline. The finals week meetings provide more time to do certifications not to extend the deadline.
Posts: 35
Posted 15:10 Nov 29, 2015 |

Got it. thanks

Posts: 32
Posted 23:19 Nov 30, 2015 |

What if we got X not run for the week1-3 at the beginning of the course but then we corrected and got it certified. is it consider as completely certified?