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Posts: 134
Posted 15:53 Nov 17, 2015 |

For the first sub problem in lab 8,

As the lab exercise don't generate the sequence as a list and then convert that list into a stream! Generate the stream directly as in fibs.

can you be more specific on that part? do you format it the way like fibs to get the stream or just make a stream?

and for the 4th sub problem , is it supposed to return a list taken from a stream up to n? or is it supposed to return the stream?

Posts: 1649
Posted 16:32 Nov 17, 2015 |

a. I wrote code in the wiki that generates the Collatz sequence as a list. I don't want you to write a function that turns a list into a stream and use that to convert the output of my code into a stream.

b. The output is supposed to be a stream for all subparts. Then use stream-take to show what was generated.