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Posts: 1649
Posted 10:02 Oct 20, 2015 |

The following rules will apply to all lab deadlines from this week on. A copy is available here. A link to the copy is available on the course wiki page.

Labs will be due midnight the Friday following the assignment.

Extensions will be available on an individual basis. If you think you may want an extension keep a log of the work you have done.

  • When (during what hours) you worked on the assignment.
  • What you did during that time; what you accomplished.
  • What problems you ran into. Be specific. Describe each problem in detail. For example,
    • The code you wrote.
    • What you expected it to do.
    • Why you expected that result.
    • What the actual result was.
  • What you did to solve those problems.
  • What interactions you had with colleagues—the questions you asked; the answers you received. Have the colleague write a short statement after your description confirming your description. The statement can simply confirm that the interaction was as described.
  • What posts you wrote to the Forum.

A decision on whether the extension will be granted will be based on this log.

If an extension is granted it will be for one day. Further one-day extensions may be requested, but all requests must be accompanied by a new log describing the work done during the extension.

Last edited by rabbott at 11:00 Oct 20, 2015.
Posts: 134
Posted 12:33 Oct 20, 2015 |

The MW section has 2 days to do the lab since they start lab on W while the TTH section has 1 day to the lab since they start the lab on TH. Is this correct?

Posts: 1649
Posted 12:54 Oct 20, 2015 |

The lab will be due for both sections on Friday. It will be posted for both sections at the same time, usually by Tuesday. Everyone is encouraged to start working on the problems as soon as possible and to prepare ahead of time for the lab sessions so that you can use them to help clear up problems you encounter.

Last edited by rabbott at 12:55 Oct 20, 2015.