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Posts: 57
Posted 14:33 Sep 03, 2015 |

Hi guys, I see a lot of people complaining about the final being overwhelmingly difficult and I assume a lot of you didn't get a working solution going before the time is up. Check this out:

The top software/IT companies nowadays (google, facebook, apple, microsoft, amazon, you name it) all have interview schemes much more difficult than this final, you're expected to write code on the spot, from scratch, by hand, that utilizes more difficult algorithms to solve relatively complicated problems right in front of the interviewer, and your code is expected to have minimal errors.

The testing style of this class along with Dr. Sun's CS 320 (both labs and tests) actually prepares us for the aforementioned interviewing style to a certain degree.

Posts: 81
Posted 14:55 Sep 03, 2015 |

I strongly agree with you. I think in the future quarter, the programming exam should be handwritten, and everyone are expected to write the code from scratch just like google, facebook or apple interview exam. 

but students are allowed to wear diapers during the exam, otherwise everyone is gonna shit on their pants

Posts: 14
Posted 17:19 Sep 03, 2015 |

I don't think people are complaining on the testing style(since the style was like midterm). My only complaint is that the midterm difficult level was misleading. The midterm was straight forward and aligned with hw and tested our knowledge of what was taught throughout the quarter. In the beginning of the class lectures, Dr. Sun mentions that by the end of the class we would have a "complete" web application finished.So I assumed that in the final we would finish up the whole functionality of web application that we started. If you look at some of the forums posts its seems a couple of other students expected to finish the hw functionality in the final.While he did tell us to study FTS, it seemed like a very specific topic that does not necessarily tests our java web development knowledge(which is what students expect from a final).Another thing is that his video on FTS was not that helpful in solving the final task(At least to me).

Posts: 84
Posted 15:14 Sep 04, 2015 |

I want to say thank you for Dr. Sun and to Harsh and Misha. Dr.Sun classes are really helpful and one of the best that I got. They are doing a great job. But of course you can't compare it with a top companies interviews, because you need years of deep knowledge in particular field. But the knowledge that, this class give are great base. And I am taking this class second time, it is much better midterm and finale than with CSNS web application.