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Posts: 57
Posted 14:24 Aug 26, 2015 |

I've been playing around with the FTS and implemented a search page on csjobs that displays jobs as results, and I've also linked the results so the user can click to see job details. But when navigating back to the search page, there will be a "Webpage has expired" error in IE and a "Confirm Form Resubmission" error in Chrome. I've checked this on the CSNS course search and the search page re-displays all the search results when navigated away and back. How can we achieve this?

Posts: 52
Posted 15:07 Aug 26, 2015 |

That's probably because you are making a post request to your search page. Instead make a get request and pass on the input term in the query parameter.

Posts: 57
Posted 12:49 Aug 30, 2015 |

This workaround worked nicely, thank you!