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Posts: 57
Posted 09:05 Aug 18, 2015 |

We've learned Spring MVC this quarter but didn't actually get a chance to deploy our applications onto a publicly accessible server like we did in CS 320. Will we get a chance to do that before the end of the quarter? And will we be shown how to deploy a Spring project?

Posts: 2935
Posted 09:16 Aug 18, 2015 |

No, but as shown in the lecture, it's pretty easy to do. You can try it on your computer as follows:

. Download a copy of Tomcat.

. Edit conf/tomcat-users.xml to add a user with the manager-gui role.

. Click on bin/startup.bat (assume you use Windows). This will start up a Tomcat server.

. Use a browser to go to http://localhost:8080.

. Click on the button Manager App. Enter the username and password of the manager-gui user.

. Upload your WAR file using the Manager interface.

. Click on bin/shutdown.bat to shut down the server.

You can also try deploying without using the Manager interface: simply stop the server, copy the WAR file to the webapps/ folder, then start the server.


Posts: 156
Posted 15:00 Jan 10, 2016 |

If you'd like to toy around with a publically accessible server I would suggest applying for a student developer pack:

This can take a bit of time to be approved, but it's totally worth the wait. 

Once you have the licence you can choose from a number of different web servers to deploy too.  I personally like digital ocean for it simplicity: 

You can of course use your own computer as a server...




Posts: 57
Posted 16:19 Jan 10, 2016 |

Thank you for the information, I will definitely try it out.