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Posts: 1
Posted 13:06 Aug 12, 2015 |

Hello Dr. Sun,

Can we create subfolders under "/WEB-INF/files"  to store files? 

Last edited by ddesai4 at 13:07 Aug 12, 2015.
Posts: 2935
Posted 13:07 Aug 12, 2015 |


Posts: 103
Posted 13:53 Aug 12, 2015 |

Hi Dr Sun ,

after a user clicks and open a file ,the file content will be shown in current page ,for simplicy ,  can we just use the back to previous button at left top corner , to go back to previous page ?

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:54 Aug 12, 2015 |
lishenyu wrote:

Hi Dr Sun ,

after a user clicks and open a file ,the file content will be shown in current page ,for simplicy ,  can we just use the back to previous button at left top corner , to go back to previous page ?
