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Posts: 56
Posted 18:59 Aug 09, 2015 |

Based off resources I tried to find online and applying them to the Midterm problem, is it correct to say Spring forms has some limitations to its functionality regarding the drop down and checkbox input fields?

It appears just linking an form input with a path is not enough. There is some manual parsing or binding required.


Posts: 2935
Posted 20:00 Aug 09, 2015 |

Not really. If you have a property editor for User, the dropdown list and the checkboxes in the midterm can be easily handled by <form:select> and <form:checkbox>.

The reason why binding a <form:input> is simple is because both the property in the server object and the input in the HTML form are strings. But when the property is an object, e.g. a User object for committee chair or a List<User> for committee members, a property editor is needed to translated it to string in an HTML form.