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Posts: 52
Posted 16:40 Aug 07, 2015 |


By now you would have done enough practice on the csjobs-test project for the mid term.

Here is some important information you should keep in mind before you submit your code on CSNS tonight.

1. You have to use the code from the repository at svn:// for the exam. You do not have to commit anything back to the repository(You don't have write access to it).

2. Since, you will already have a database called csjobs, that you used for homeworks, do not forget to flush it before working on the exam and run the csjobs-create.sql scripts located under /csjobs-test/src/main/scripts/ to populate the database with new data.

3. It is advisable to use the same database scripts as provided in the csjobs-test and not the scripts that you created for previous homework. Because chances are that you may have modified it and so they might not be compatible with the exam version of the project.

4. During the exam, if you modify the Model design, don't forget to run the again, and look for the newly created scripts specific to your design and update them. Only add these new scripts in the csjobs-create.sql and write corresponding insert(if required) and drop queries in csjobs-drop.sql files. 

5. For submission make sure to only upload .svn/, src/, and pom.xml in a zip file called and nothing else.(without these your exam might not be graded at all).

6. Since, its a time bound test make sure to manage your time wisely. No email submissions will be accepted after the due date.

All the best for the exam.

Last edited by hgadhia at 16:47 Aug 07, 2015.