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Posts: 57
Posted 13:52 Jul 15, 2015 |

From the application description, Administrators manage users, job positions, and committees, so it sounds like they're just application admins that manage the entire system (i.e. managing users, adding/removing job positions, adding reviewers to the committee of job positions, etc.) In turn the administrators do not have any involvement in the database level besides being one of the user types, and they do not have any relationship connections with the other entities. Is this correct?

Posts: 30
Posted 13:54 Jul 15, 2015 |

My understanding is that each administrator manages users, manages job positions, and manages review committees.

I think there are 3 relationships here.

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:21 Jul 15, 2015 |

I'm don't quite get the question.

Administrators are just a type of user in the system, just like applicants are also a type of user.

"Manage" refers to operations, which will be implemented in future assignments with controllers & views & so on. In this assignment you just need to design the models.

And don't worry about access control (i.e. which type of users can perform what operation) either. We'll cover that when we get to the security part.

In data/model design, you just need to be able to tell which user is an admin/reviewer/applicant and that's enough.

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:24 Jul 15, 2015 |

I think I might understand what the question is.

Admin can basically do everything in the system, so you don't need to create specific relationships to say what an admin can or cannot do.

Posts: 81
Posted 17:59 Jul 15, 2015 |

but you still need tell at least one thing that admin can do right? 

otherwise the relationship database table will be empty

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:25 Jul 16, 2015 |
raylongma1018 wrote:

but you still need tell at least one thing that admin can do right? 

otherwise the relationship database table will be empty

No sure what you mean. Like I said, the model design needs to be able to tell if a user is an admin user, and that's about it.