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Posts: 52
Posted 17:48 May 01, 2015 |

Following are the questions referring to Q.10 in Homework.

1. In the part where Bob encrypts C2(since he wants to buy S2) with his public key, I got 13 bit result, Will bob send the 13th bit(Index 12) to Carol in FBI?

In my computation, I got FBI = [0,1,2,6,8,9,11], so will bob send [3,4,5,7,10,12] to Carol or [3,4,5,7,10] as FBI.

2. For Carol, I took B4 = 1004. Given that, for Carol, e = 1421, n = 2747,

So the encryption of B4 = 10041421 Mod 2747 = (1004) which is same as B4, in this case, what will Carol send to bob as FBI?

Posts: 139
Posted 16:48 May 02, 2015 |

1:If  the encryption result contains more bits, you need to expand the bit word to make it longer. See the example in the slides.

2. yes.