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Posts: 1649
Posted 10:26 Apr 27, 2015 |

This year we are including a section called Lifelong learning in the project documentation. It should contain a discussion of what you learned, how you learned it, and what you learned about learning. Each team member should write his/her own entry. Each individual entry should be approximately two pages. The section will consist of the collection of team entries. Approach it this way.

  • Think about the new things you had to learn to do your work on the project. This might be a library, a framework, a language, etc. This may be different for each person. Describe the overall capabilities of whatever it is you learned, how it fit into the project, and why you found it necessary to learn it.
  • Discuss the process you went through to learn it. Did you talk to other team members? Did you look up questions on the web? Did you read a getting-started document or a tutorial? Did you do some practice exercises to get a feeling for it?
  • Discuss what you learned about learning new things. What do you know now about learning new systems that you didn't know before? How will the experience of learning the new system influence how to approach learning other new systems in the future?