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Posts: 56
Posted 16:25 Apr 11, 2015 |

Is anyone experiencing a 2-5 second delay from when Dr. Kang draws something on the power point/changes slides to update on the right screen(mirroring the monitor)?

You can clearly see changes happening on the left screen as the changes are being made, but the right screen takes awhile to catch up.

I don't know if it's a recording issue or if my internet is too slow.


Posts: 95
Posted 10:37 Apr 13, 2015 |

It is a limitation of the Mediasite technology (the recording device and SW that the college provides).


Posts: 156
Posted 16:14 Apr 13, 2015 |

Along these lines.  We CANNOT see your examples when you write on the board because the camera is directed to the screen of the projector (mediasite also provides two other views of the slides so i'm not quite sure why this view would be helpful anyway).  Also, is your 550 class just following the lecture of the previous lecture of your 450 class?  

Posts: 95
Posted 12:02 Apr 14, 2015 |

Sorry for the setup for the last lecture. Future lecture videos will capture what I write on the whiteboard.

Yes, the videos record the previous CS450 lectures. However, CS550 students are NOT allowed to attend.


Posts: 156
Posted 16:34 Apr 14, 2015 |

Can you use a sketch/paint program for examples so that they appear in your slides to the right of the video?

Edit:  Thank you for adjusting your examples, but now they are illegible:


Last edited by lmann2 at 23:14 Apr 15, 2015.
Posts: 156
Posted 12:38 Apr 20, 2015 |

I don't know if this matters or if any other students agree, but  I can't read any of the examples you write on the board via the video.