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Posts: 13
Posted 12:17 Apr 08, 2015 |

So I ran into this problem on the mars server. If you log in and try to hit "backspace" or "delete", the console won't actually delete characters, it will instead print "^?".

A temporary fix for this is to type into the console "stty erase" and then press the backspace key. (It will look something like "stty erase ^?", this is fine). After this just hit enter and you should be able to erase.

Basically you are registering the backspace key as the erase function for the console.

It's a temporary solution though, I think you have to do this every time you log into the mars server. Not sure how to permanently bind the backspace key to erase.

Posts: 13
Posted 13:44 Apr 08, 2015 |

So a more permanent solution is to edit your .logout file in your system. Just add "stty erase '^?'" to the end of the file to bind erase to your backspace key.

More information about cshell can be found here:

Posts: 19
Posted 22:47 Apr 08, 2015 |

You can try holding Shift and then Backspace.