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Posts: 29
Posted 10:40 Mar 19, 2015 |


According to your lecture 6 page 71& 72 this solution is wrong.  Correct solution will be the following :

Since the link ED fails:

--This causes a Network partition

--C,A,B,D are ok!

--E has no outbound links

--It creates a new Reference Level which is 2 and sets the Oid to E and sends a UPD  (2,E,0,0,E)

--This causes F to have no outbound links.

--F resorts to partial reversal

--It sets its height to -1, reverse its link to G and broadcasts an update.

-Now G doesn’t have outbound links

--since all the incoming links have been reversed before, it resorts to a full reversal

-- G sends Reflection Level to E & F

--Now F doesn’t have outbound links

--It resorts to a partial reversal

--It propagates the Reflection to E

--This would cause E to realize that there is no path to D!

-- It sets its height to NULL and sends a CLR message to G&F and makes the links undirected.


Posts: 139
Posted 13:39 Mar 19, 2015 |

Yes. The reference level should be 2 instead of 1.