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Posts: 156
Posted 18:20 Mar 11, 2015 |

I have a strange error.  I implemented ordercolumn in my application and now in the view (not in the data) it adds the spaces for the previous two(or however many) checkpoints when I display my plan.  The plan is place into context by the dao (which acesses cell and cell_checkpoints).  It's quite odd I can't figure it out.   In the image attached the number value is the length of cell.checkpoints.

Posts: 52
Posted 19:42 Mar 11, 2015 |

By my understanding, I feel your problem is right there in the cells_checkpoints Table.

You can't have continuous index_column values for each cells. By this I mean, that for every cell, your index column value should start from 0.

When you have continuous value for the index column, hibernate assumes that for cell 2 you have 4 elements because the highest index is 3. (so 0,1,2,3), that's the reason you see length of cell.checkpoints as 4 in cell 2 and 6 in cell 3.

So, you have to change your logic to get this at place.

Last edited by hgadhia at 19:48 Mar 11, 2015.
Posts: 156
Posted 20:15 Mar 11, 2015 |

Ah, totally and actually that solves a separate issue with reordering. 

Edit: here's a question, there's no setters/getters for ordercolumn.  Can you control the sequence/number of ordercolumn for when you create a new entry?   I didn't notice any option for this in: 

Edit: I think this is working, but I still don't quite understand why,  I think this is magic. 

Last edited by lmann2 at 20:45 Mar 11, 2015.
Posts: 52
Posted 22:50 Mar 11, 2015 |
lmann2 wrote:

Ah, totally and actually that solves a separate issue with reordering. 

Edit: here's a question, there's no setters/getters for ordercolumn.  Can you control the sequence/number of ordercolumn for when you create a new entry?   I didn't notice any option for this in: 

Edit: I think this is working, but I still don't quite understand why,  I think this is magic. 

The order column is automatically set for the list. Since, the List is an ordered collection, so the order of this list is taken as the column indexes. I guess you have no control to it, Hibernate controls it internally.