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Posts: 14
Posted 14:04 Mar 01, 2015 |

Hello Professor,

I understand that recordings are not meant to replace the class lectures and are only meant as additional resource. But, if possible can you please record your computer screen for the lecture recordings instead of recording projector screen?  As at some instances it is quite impossible to follow what is going on in left side of that mediasite player. 

Thank you

Posts: 39
Posted 14:25 Mar 01, 2015 |

The slides on the side of the video have the computer screen in something like 5 second increments.

The resolution is garbage though. If that could be improved upon it would be really useful for reference.

Posts: 2935
Posted 16:54 Mar 01, 2015 |

Too late for this quarter. I plan to do some screen recording (like the CS320 recordings) for 520 in the summer.