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Posts: 17
Posted 16:08 Jan 26, 2015 |

Could anyone explain the solution for the denominator to problem two number IV from Quiz 3?  I didn't quite catch the explanation in class.

Posts: 121
Posted 11:48 Feb 12, 2015 |
gjmiles wrote:

Could anyone explain the solution for the denominator to problem two number IV from Quiz 3?  I didn't quite catch the explanation in class.

You may have figured it out already (not sure for which part you needed an explanation the most), but below is the formula I have for the denominator (**Please correct me if I'm wrong!).

tau*P + ceil(P/m)*ceil(N/P)*t    

tau = an overhead incurrs per addition of a process
P = # of process(es)
m = # of processor(s)
N = # of jobs (tasks)
t = the time requierd per job



You might also find the resources listed below helpful (It helped me a lot):

1)  Dr. Pamula's Lecture Recording, titled CS_370_Lecture_07_with Dr. Pamula, between [30:50 - 53:50].
2)  Our reading material, Chapter 3, section 3.2 Loop splitting and speedup (page 3 - 5).


Last edited by se1k1h1mawar1 at 12:02 Feb 12, 2015.