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Posts: 162
Posted 00:59 Jan 10, 2015 |

When I build and run my program, two black windows appear showing my program. Does anyone know what's causing this?

Last edited by G190852562 at 00:59 Jan 10, 2015.
Posts: 56
Posted 01:22 Jan 10, 2015 |

It sounds like your antivirus program is causing the problem:

Posts: 540
Posted 09:52 Jan 10, 2015 |

Yes, I mentioned this in one section of my 332C class, and I sent out an email to the other.  You may have to disable your antivirus software while you are working on the assignments for this class, or if you can add your workspace / project folders to the list of safe items for your particular antivirus software.  How to do this will vary per antivirus so you will need to do your own research for this one.

Posts: 162
Posted 11:00 Jan 10, 2015 |

Got it, thanks.