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Posts: 121
Posted 20:07 Jan 08, 2015 |

Since you (Keenan) did not specify it, I am assuming that this is trivial, but would you like us to write the program in such a way that it lets the user to choose who takes the first turn (computer or the user) for the Dice Game program? Please let me know.

Thank you!  

Posts: 19
Posted 20:09 Jan 08, 2015 |

Taken from assignment...


"Write a version of this game, to be played against the computer. The computer program should play according
to the following rule: Keep rolling on the computer's turn until it has accumulated 20 or more points, then hold.
Of course, if the computer wins or rolls a 1 then the turn ends immediately. Allow the human player to roll first."

User goes first.

Posts: 162
Posted 20:11 Jan 08, 2015 |
kscasado wrote:

Taken from assignment...


"Write a version of this game, to be played against the computer. The computer program should play according
to the following rule: Keep rolling on the computer's turn until it has accumulated 20 or more points, then hold.
Of course, if the computer wins or rolls a 1 then the turn ends immediately. Allow the human player to roll first."

User goes first.


"The computer should randomly choose and item (without telling the player what was chosen). Next the player should be allowed to choose an item. "

Read the instructions carefully next time (;

Posts: 19
Posted 20:17 Jan 08, 2015 |
AnonCS312 wrote:
kscasado wrote:

Taken from assignment...


"Write a version of this game, to be played against the computer. The computer program should play according
to the following rule: Keep rolling on the computer's turn until it has accumulated 20 or more points, then hold.
Of course, if the computer wins or rolls a 1 then the turn ends immediately. Allow the human player to roll first."

User goes first.


"The computer should randomly choose and item (without telling the player what was chosen). Next the player should be allowed to choose an item. "

Read the instructions carefully next time (;

The quote you selected is from the rock paper scissors game, original poster is asking about the dice game.

Posts: 121
Posted 20:28 Jan 08, 2015 |

I am very sorry. I missed this part: "Allow the human player to roll first".
Clearly, human first. Thank you,

Posts: 540
Posted 05:20 Jan 09, 2015 |

Correct. Human first for the dice game.